Persons We Could Have Been

Click Here for the Philosophy Behind the Project

The Poetry

Click on a manifesto summary for the full manifesto as written by the poet. Or, click one of the items below each manifesto. Each describes an alternative persona for that poet and then provides poetry that could have been written by that persona.

Frank O'Hara



Anti-Theoretical Pragmatist

Relational Minimalist

Temporal Fluxist

Emotional Improviser

Instinctive Realist

Unconventional Humanist

Sensory Impressionist

Ezra Pound


An “Image” is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time. I use the term “complex” rather in the technical sense employed by the newer psychologists, such as Hart, though we might not agree absolutely in our application.

Abstract Linguist

Temporal Fractalist

Ritualistic Poet-Priest

Psychological Excavator

Formal Innovator

Musician of Words

Skeptical Scientist

Sensory Alchemist

Urban Ethnographer

T.S. Eliot


We might remind ourselves that criticism is as inevitable as breathing, and that we should be none the worse for articulating what passes in our minds when we read a book and feel an emotion about it, for criticizing our own minds in their work of criticism. One of the facts that might come to light in this process is our tendency to insist, when we praise a poet, upon those aspects of his work in which he least resembles any one else. In these aspects or parts of his work we pretend to find what is individual, what is the peculiar essence of the man. We dwell with satisfaction upon the poet’s difference from his predecessors, especially his immediate predecessors; we endeavour to find something that can be isolated in order to be enjoyed. Whereas if we approach a poet without this prejudice we shall often find that not only the best, but the most individual parts of his work may be those in which the dead poets, his ancestors, assert their immortality most vigorously. And I do not mean the impressionable period of adolescence, but the period of full maturity.

Afrofuturist Innovator

Cinematic Realist

Postmodern Ironist

Ecopoetic Naturalist

Conceptual Poet

Cyberpunk Visionary

Existential Explorer

Narrative Historian

Edgar Allen Poe


There is a radical error, I think, in the usual mode of constructing a story. Either history affords a thesis—or one is suggested by an incident of the day—or, at best, the author sets himself to work in the combination of striking events to form merely the basis of his narrative—designing, generally, to fill in with description, dialogue, or autorial comment, whatever crevices of fact, or action, may, from page to page, render themselves apparent.

Metaphysical Dreamweaver

Cosmic Voyager

Digital Alchemist

Eco-Spiritual Seer

Cognitive Architect

Mystic Nomad

Temporal Philosopher

Charles Bernstein


Poetry is more than meets the eye. It’s more than meets the ear too. It’s total mind expansion through verbal, vocal, and visual extravagances. Poetry is not just an expansion of the mind, but of perception and heart. But it can’t be understood by trying to figure it out. You need to take a leap of faith into the poem, jump into it as if you were jumping into a hole in a frozen lake, fearing perhaps that you will drown or freeze. But once in the water, it’s as warm as a hot spring, and even if you can’t swim all of a sudden you’ll be floating on the poem’s surface, then plunging deep. It just takes a leap of poetic faith.

Existential Wanderer

Visceral Storyteller

Neon Surrealist

Pop Culture Maverick


Raw Confessionalist

Chaos Theorist